
Bill’s Back!

By April 8, 2016 January 10th, 2019 No Comments

If you thought the 2016 presidential circus campaign couldn’t get more entertaining, maybe you forgot: Bill Clinton is back, he’s ready to be America’s First Dude, and we are going to hear a lot from him until November.  He’s also a few decades older than the last time he really campaigned and like a lot of men around his age, he’s lost his “filter.”

Today Bill confronted #blacklivesmatter, the hashtag that used to be MoveOn.org. At least for now #blacklivesmatter still #FeeltheBern, because even the arch-liberal Hillary Clinton is no match in the handout game for Bernie Sanders.  So Bill found himself jousting with – get this – liberal activists, defending Hillary’s bad, really bad use of the term “super predators” to describe young black men.

This was the kind of bad, classically Hillary, cringe-worthy retail politicking Hill and Bill will have to answer for. Even the reliably liberal shill-bots in the national media will hit her, too, as long as Sanders is around.

Happily, Bill seems content running the clean-up circuit, cleaning up fastidiously wherever Hill left her stank, but he’s a lot more cosmo than the old days. The schlubby, red-cheeky, half-buffoon Bill is long gone and may not really feel your pain anymore.  In fact, he looks and acts more like a French UN ambassador than a former governor of Arkansas.

Anyway, it’s worth noting how incredulous Bill seems at the thought of being challenged on his and Hillary’s liberal bona fides.  Getting hassled at every turn by professional activists is what Republicans do, not Democrats, least of all Queen Hillary. But as long as Sanders is still around, Bill and Hill better get used to this.   And the rest of us can grab some popcorn, because this movie’s just starting….